Obsidian as Jira "frontend"?

I am using Jira heavily at work - basically all of my work related stuff, including notes on stories (as comments) and such are in Jira. This needs to stay this way; it works well, and obviously it’s also used by all other team members as well as the customer, and is also integrated in our code/build processes.

But during a recent Jira outage, a thought occured:

What if I had a hotkey which (maybe through some external help like a Hammerspoon (MacOS) or AutoHotKey (Windows) macro) I could, with one click, copy the work I am currently doing in Jira - i.e. the current textarea with the Jira body or a comment, move it over to a note in Obsidian, kick off the Jira markdown → Obsidian markdown conversion (there is a Obsidian plugin for that). Then I’d work on in Obsidian, basically as a better editor, with all its features. Eventually I’d use a hotkey to move everything back into Jira.

I guess I could just start implementing this, but before I investing the time, I’d like to hear from you - have you done something like that (maybe with another tool than Jira)? What was your experience? Do you still use such a solution, or did you get fed up with it eventually? Did you have any takeaways I should be aware of right from the start?