Obsidian 1.6.0: Files Explorer doesn’t seem to remember its previous state after re-launching

Just in case :blush: : I can confirm that as soon as I reverted back to 1.5.12, the issue vanishes in all my vaults (local ones in restricted mode and iCloud ones) on Desktop :innocent: .

This is a screen-recording of the sandbox vault of Obsidian 1.5.12

Folder state - Obsidian 1.5.12

… and as soon as I install Obsidian 1.6.1, the issue re-appears :woman_shrugging:

As far as a potential plugin issue goes, I don’t exactly see how that would be possible if I launch Obsidian with only 1 empty brand new vault stored locally in restricted mode :sweat_smile:.
(Please, let me know if I’m wrong and should dig through the plugins I’ve installed across my vaults :blush: )

And I’ll keep my eyes wide opened :eyes: for the release of Obsidian 1.6.2 though :smile:
(and my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: :four_leaf_clover: :blush: )

I’m just here to say that this has been fixed for me with Obsidian 1.6.2 :partying_face: :grin: !!!

Thank you so very much :purple_heart: :grin: !!!

I tested it on 1.6.2 on iPhone, iPad and Windows and it seems fixed. Tried to add/remove some plugins and the status is maintained between restarts.

Thanks a lot fo the fix.

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