Notify when installed plugins have been removed from the community repo

Use case or problem

When a plugin is removed from the community repo, the user isn’t notified. Instead they’re allowed to continue unknowingly using an unmaintained plugin.

For example, I only found out that Customizable Sidebar had been merged into Commander when I opened its description page to get the link for someone and the page was missing with no explanation. I had to search the web to figure out what had happened, and it was an annoying hassle.

More recently, someone in Discord mentioned that a plugin I have installed (but turned off a while back because of bugs) had been deprecated.

These aren’t how I should find out — Obsidian should tell me.

Proposed solution

Minimally: when checking for updates, also check for installed plugins that have been removed from the community repository. Notify if any are found.

Ideally: Provide a way for developers who remove their plugins to leave a message, and for Obsidian’s devs to do the same if they remove a plugin.

Current workaround (optional)

I just find out by happenstance, but I suppose you could manually check the description page of every installed plugin every so often to see if it still exists.

Related feature requests

Related discussion


  • 2023-03-02: Added “and for Obsidian’s devs to do the same if they remove a plugin.”

Nearly a year later, still seeing users with Advanced Mobile Toolbar installed who don’t know it became part of Commander and isn’t maintained: Discord

My workaround is to monitor …

Commits · obsidianmd/obsidian-releases

via RSS


EDIT: … and if desired, create a filter to only show posts that have in the title:
“archived” OR “remove”
“removed” OR “remove”

/remov/i (regex)


What about using the plugin’s manifest.json to help this usecase ?
It could be a simple flag similar to isDesktopOnly or a more structured object.
For reference: Manifest - Developer Documentation

Moreover, the manifest.json can have an associated official JSON schema to provide better context to developers.
For reference on this topic: JSON Schema - Creating your first schema

Hope it helps !

Advanced Mobile Toolbar has apparently finally broken and left a user wondering about replacements because they weren’t notified of its removal and incorporation into Commander.

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…And another Advanced Mobile Toolbar user: Discord