Notes disappearing as I type

Things I have tried

I have tried search for ‘disappearing text’ and ‘icloud sync issue’ and ‘notes disappearing as I type’

What I’m trying to do

I trying to figure out why my notes are disappearing as I type. I use Obsidian on a windows laptop and sync to my mobile device using iCloud.

The problem arises when typing notes on my laptop. The last few words, sometimes the last few lines, just disappear.

I am using the latest version 0.14.6 on Windows 10 64bit.

It’s not recommended to use iCloud on Windows. If you did search those terms, you see a lot of people with similar problems. Sync conflicts, duplicated files, and sync delays that look like text disappearing.

I don’t know if there is a statement on the official sync help page. But in the Discord, Carl the bot warns, “iCloud on Windows is known to cause file duplication and corruption issues. We highly suggest avoiding using this combination.”

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