Note extractor

Those top 3 embeds on the page on the right all look like paragraph embeds without a header. What’s your method for that?

.markdown-embed h3, .markdown-embed h2, .markdown-embed h1 {
display:none !important;

If I want a title to display in my embed, then i just use h4

I can see this feature being very useful for myself, although I think I would want a couple of variations of this; one where the selected text is just replaced with a link to the new note and one where the selected text remains in the original note AND a new note is created with the selected text (perhaps with the option of including a link).

As also mentioned it would be useful to be able to show where the selected text came from if this was desired.

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For me the typical workflow is, that I add consecutively informations to a topic in a md. File and organize them there.
When the file gets to big, or a subtopic stands out, I create for it its own file with an link pointing to it.
In this way the notes grow organically and new notes are created when necessary.

To make this workflow even faster, the plug-in would convert the selected section (beginning with a heading and the hierarchy being conserved) to its own md. And creates a link pointing to the file at the place of the previous heading.


oh, man, your first-time explanation makes me confused, in fact, you want make selected words a new file that you will name, and use the “quote” like “![[” to keep the contents of the original document unchanged in order to “quote” the selected words easier?

The thought is good , I think. may be useful.


Thanks to user @randulfr for providing a way to do this with Obsidian right now via Keyboard Maestro (macOS only):

Windows users can try this autohotkey script :

it requires autohotkey ANSI or now. description in the link & here :Block reference


A plugin is now available for this with Obsidian v0.9.7 (currently insider’s build).

I have include a couple of commands for different note extraction behaviours and a setting to include a heading in the new note.

I could also add a config setting for automatic ZK UID generation for new note file names if that would be useful.


@J_L: I have installed your plug-in, refreshed Obs, but it only works halfway. The new note is created but the content is not transferred, even though the content is taken away from the source note.

@Klaas Is that using the command for the first line as the file name or the content only option with the modal to enter the file name?

Could you post a copy of some example content I can try and replicate the issue with?

Thanks for this very useful plugin @J_L! It automates a process I do very often and makes it a breeze.

I already have another feature request. :blush: Make it possible to refactor content out to an existing note, i.e. append selected text to an existing note.

To me, the ideal UX for this would replace your existing filename modal with something that emulates Obsidian’s “Open quick switcher” command: as you type a filename the vault is auto-searched for existing files to choose from, or press enter to create a new file. But whatever is easiest / makes better sense, I support.

I’ve been using it for a week and it works great. Thank you very much!

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what code should i use if i want the new note name will be the - original note name + the first line of the part i cut?

thank you

hi, with the note refactor plugin

what code should i use if i want the new note name will be the - original note name + the first line of the part i cut?

thank you

Love the plugin - it is the number one plugin in my workflow. But I do have a request. Just like @Danashafir I would also like some more variables to work for the prefix option besides the date. Preferably, it would be nice if the same placeholders for the templates in the plugin also could be used for the prefix.

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Just to clarify: I create notes from Heading 2. I would like these new notes to have {{title}}-{{new_note_title}} as the filename.

This, so much. It would make breaking notes up into smaller notes so much faster without having to manually name every file.