Not second brain but personal web

My idea is simple: Turn obsidian into your personal internet

Let me try to explain…

Lately I’ve found that I’ve been wasting a lot of time with workflows and editing rather than really taking notes. So, I dreamed of being able to use obsidian just like I use the internet. Just like a browser and search engine.

When I open Obsidian, I just want to see a plain homepage with a big search bar (perhaps with extras like favorite searches or recent searches).

I type what I’m curious about in the search bar and search it just like on Google. If something comes up, I’ll take a look, otherwise I’ll create a new note.

In this way, over time, I have created my own personal web, instead of my second brain.

(sorry for my english)

There’s a homepage plugin you can use to make Obsidian always start on the same page. For the search, you could leave the left side pane open on desktop / pin it on mobile (on phone this will occupy too much screen, but on tablet and desktop it’s OK). There’s also the Quick Switcher if you just want to search note titles, but you have to open it every time (Ctrl/Cmd+O or a button in the sidebar).