New plugin: Readwise

Ok, I did some new highlights and confirmed it’s working. Thanks!


@arminta @shabegom Yes, it’s a restriction is there for 2 main reasons:

  • Allowing download of all existing highlights could trigger rate limiting of the Readwise API and I haven’t implemented support for that yet (it requires more logic in terms of retrying requests, pagination, etc)
  • If you already have many highlights and for whatever reason don’t have the id stored as highlight_id: <id> it would insert highlights again, leading to a potential mess in your vault

Hello Rene,

I enabled your plugin in obsidian. However, it would not sync my readwise highlights (for a test I connected it to my kindle).

I am not sure why the sync doesn’t work.

How can I get help? Thx

Can you share the output of the Chrome Dev Tools when you run the plugin? The plugin will only try to sync things from the last time it ran (or was installed)

Hey Rene, thanks for making this plugin. Any idea why, once installed, the plugin does not appear (and thus can’t be configured) in the settings of Obsidian’s mobile app, currently in beta? The plugin installs just fine, but it can’t be configured.

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This is a problem with every plugin that attempts to add an item to the status bar.

The status bar doesn’t exist on mobile (it’s the bar at the bottom of the desktop app). Right now, a plugin that attempts to add something to the status bar fails silently on the mobile app. You’ll notice that there will be an error displayed if you try to disable the plugin.

The easiest solution would be for our fearless leader @Licat to ignore adding to the status bar on the mobile app. Alternatively, individual plugins could check that isMobile === false before attempting to add to the status bar.

Long story short, it’s a bug that affects many plugins on mobile right now.

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Good to know. I’ll add a check for it

qq— I’m exporting my previous readwise highlights as one giant markdown export before I start using this— is there a way figured out how to change the datetime format in the readwise markdown export to YYYY-MM-DD? the current markdown export is in the roam format ( eg May 3, 2021).

I tried looking up how to use Jinja, but a but confused how that would look in the metadata template

This has been fixed on version 0.0.5. Install or update to get the fix

I believe that would need to be handled within Readwise itself, but I haven’t played with the Markdown exporter at all. I was busy building the plugin :smile:

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and bless you for it! I was just curious. Thank you so much for this

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Quick question, how does the plug-in handle page titles that have prohibited characters in them, such as “:” and “|”? (I haven’t figured out how to change how Readwise names the articles generally - only as part of specific export integrations that are officially supported by Readwise)


This function obsidian-readwise/fileDoc.ts at main · renehernandez/obsidian-readwise · GitHub is invoked to sanitize the title name

Got it. Thank you for confirming!

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I’m really excited about this - thanks so much for your time in building this out.

I’ve just got a few questions to make sure I’m getting the most out of it.

  • The main one is that I’ve developed a custom template within Readwise itself to insert a few headers and stuff throughout the page which is designed to help me write up additional thoughts/notes on the books and not just purely a list of quotes. Am I right in thinking at the moment that it wouldn’t be possible to replicate this within the plugin?

  • Is it possible to pull in the meta data that provides an image to the highlight source (the book cover/podcast image etc)?

  • I’m guessing that the individual files are supposed to be filtered by tag (i.e podcast, book etc) rather than having them filtered into folders, which is typically how Readwise downloads MD files. Have I got that?

Thanks again for your time on this - much appreciated!

Is there a way to change the destination directory for new highlights?

At present, my highlights are going to the Obsidian main directory, but I have subdirectories for new notes (i.e. /pages) in order to make Obsidian play nice with Logseq.

If not, what’s the best way to combine new highlights with old ones from the same source? (If I cut and paste the new .md file into the subdirectory, the plugin reimports the highlight.)


You can specify the folder where you want your highlights to be created using the Highlights Storage Path setting.

Is there a way to apply actions tags on the readwise export to obsidian? (particularly header tags)

Great, thanks.

One more: What’s the best way to create a list of all highlight imports per day?

In Roam, each import adds a note to a [[Readwise]] page, saying “X highlights imported for Book Y on YYYY-MM-DD.” Then those entries appear both on the [[Readwise]] page as an ongoing list and on each Daily Note page in the Backlinks section.

It’s very useful because the [[Readwise]] page can be used as a processing inbox when using new highlights in other work.

Is something like that possible right now?



Sounds great! Looking forward to checking it out.
How might the use case differ from the Readwise QuickAdd workflow and the Kindle Highlights plugin? (I could guess about the latter because it doesnt involve Readwise tags etc but especially wondering about the former).