New Plugin: MathJax extended + preamble

Hey everyone, I recently took over this plugin from @xldenis and will be publishing future releases at GitHub - wei2912/obsidian-latex. It’ll take a while for me to go through the existing issues and plan out what to work on, but feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions/feedback, either on this forum or through GitHub Issues. Thanks!


@wei2912 Thanks for your efforts! I just want to say I find this plugin very useful, so I’m grateful someone is watching over it.

In addition to a global preamble, I would suggest that we consider also local preambles, that is, the functionality which enables each markdown file to optionally specify, say via its properties, a .sty file to be loaded, or a documentclass to be inherited. For the notes in Obsidian could very well differ drastically in their topics and consequently depend on different commands.

It would be even more flexible if options can be fed to a specification of the local preamble.

From my understanding, this is unofrtunately extremely hard due to how MathJax is loaded in obsidian.