New plugin: Citations (with Zotero)

Thank you so much for the citation plugin!

I was using this but I would change the name to have the literature note title template that I want to use for my citations. Unfortunately, when I use Ctr-Shift-E the citation would be the original one @{{citekey}} instead of the name I changed it to and keep creating a new document with the previous name.

My note template is today’s date S-type of source-@{{citekey}}- shortened title

I do make an alias with @{{citekey}} though.

Is it possible to allow changing the title without creating the new document and use the name I changed it to when I use Ctr-Shift-E?

Thank you!

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Hi @Elin, thanks for trying it out! You can change the template for a literature note title in the plugin settings tab, though not all of the properties you mentioned are available at the moment. I’ll put them on the to-do list. (“type of source” can be read from the Zotero export, I believe, though the particular labels probably won’t match your existing set exactly.)

Unfortunately this is pretty far beyond the current powers of the plugin – we don’t keep track of citekey–note relations, beyond the configurable title mapping discussed above. It’d require quite a bit of extra infrastructure to get done, so I probably won’t pursue it unless there is considerable demand.


That’s ok, thanks for replying! I think I would keep 2 notes for each citation, one the normal bibliographic stuff and the notes that would be linked with the citation.

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One more question. I have my Obsidian vault on my iCloud to access my notes on Windows, Mac, and iOS/iPadOS. Is there a way to set the JSON file exported from Zotero to a relative path within the vault instead of an absolute one?


@mfperdi This is a good idea and wouldn’t be too hard to implement – on the to-do list! :slight_smile:

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This is great! My current reading note title format is {{lastname}} {{year}} - {{shorttitle}}, which I do manually. Would be great if it were possible to make that from a template (and would be a good prod for me to get my Zotero library in order…).


I have the same request of @npseaver. {{authorString}} gives name and surname of the author, whereby it would be better to have in the note title template only surname/lastname.


BTW, would you consider adding support for bibTeX format? After all this is a more common bibliography format than cjson. Thank you!


BTW, would you consider adding support for bibTeX format? After all this is a more common bibliography format than cjson. Thank you!

+1 for this :slight_smile:


+1 for me.


@jgauthier, if I want to cite a page or a page-range from some book - where am I supposed to put this information when using the plugin?

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I would also very much like to see the ability to insert single bracket pandoc formatted citations. The plugin looks very promising, but I’d like to be able to use it for inserting citations to eventually export with pandoc. At present inserting a citation crtl + shift + E inserts the citation as [[@citekey2020]] which produces a link to a file–which is cool. I’d like to see an option to also insert a pandoc formatted citation as [@citekey2020].

Personally, at present I keep notes in Zotero as I started using it many years ago. More recently, I used zotero-mdnotes to export and link annotations and notes into an obsidian vault–handy. This citation plugin looks like a nice way to write notes about texts right in obsidian, but there is no way to pull highlighted text from Zotero. zotero-mdnotes and this citation plugin both use citekey for file name. I wonder about the perils of overwriting. Perhaps altering file name on export could resolve this. Anyway, this plugin looks fabulous but I’d really like to see a means for single bracket pandoc citation insertion much like Zettlr.


To site a page number use the following: [@citekey2020, 5]. See also here and here for some additional variations possible.

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Hi all, sorry for the delay in this new release – I spent a little more time writing in Obsidian rather than for Obsidian recently.

But a new version 0.3.2 was just pushed! And it includes Pandoc-style citation support, which I hope a lot of people here will find useful. Full change list:

  • Add a new command for inserting Markdown / Pandoc citations, e.g. of the form [@citekey2000]. This command is called “Insert Markdown citation” and is not assigned a hotkey by default. Users can also define a secondary Markdown citation format and insert it by using the same command, but pressing Shift+Enter. (cf. #24)
  • Show an error when literature notes cannot be created. This helps fix lots of previously-invisible issues with non-existent literature note directories. (#13)
  • Minor bugfixes.

BibLaTeX support is definitely on the feature list now, thanks for the suggestion. This will help us make the plugin Zotero-independent, and also enable some new plugin features.


Hmm, seems like I’ve found a bug in Obsidian - in third-party plugins -> browse it shows plugin description from the latest release (or master branch) but it allows to install only the latest but one release (probably due to small amount of time passed since the latest release).

Here is what I see right now in the UI (notice the release number and the highlighted bullet-point):

But if we open the actual file for 0.3.1 release 3rd bullet-point would be absent (because it was only added in 0.3.2):


@pashkin thanks for the report – and nope, that’s entirely my fault :slight_smile: Just pushed a fixed 0.3.2 release, should be available inside Obsidian within the next hours.


Wow, thanks a lot! The plugin is perfect for me now (.bib file format would be a great surplus). I can now use the secondary quote command to enter [Cf. @{{citekey}}, ], which I use quite often.

Edit: One small addition would be nice: If there was an option to also create literature notes when entering citekeys in one of the pandoc formats. This way one could keep track of all the literature cited by looking into the literature note folder.

Edit 2: Before there was an information in the settings panel about how many references have been loaded from the source file. This does not appear anymore. Was this removed deliberately?

Hello, I have created the “literature note” folder, created the path and successfully uploaded 333 sources. When I click ctrl + shift + E, I correctly see the list of sources. However, when I try to input a source on a note, the following error appears: “Unable to access literature note. Please check that the literature note folder exists, or update the Citations plugin settings”.

Does anybody else see this? What should I do? Thanks!


Great plugin. Everything works fine for me, except for one crucial variable: Zotero URL.
I pasted such content template:
reference: {{zoteroSelectURL}}
However, while I am creating new literature note, variable does not work and Obsidian shows that “reference: (Unknown template variable zoteroSelectURL)”

Hi @Thom, you should check the plugin setting “Literature note folder.” Does this reference a folder that doesn’t exist?

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