New line from within table

Hi all

I’m trying to do something which seems very simple but it’s causing me big issues.

From inside the cell of a table, when I press Enter, it jumps down to the next cell instead of creating a new line within the cell I am working in.

This is different behaviour to say, Google docs.

Pressing Shift+Enter does what I am looking for but is really counter-intuitive to me so I was hoping to switch those options if possible - but I cant see those options under the Hotkeys settings.

What I’m trying to do

From inside a cell of a table, press Enter and have it create a new line within that cell, rather than a new cell within the table.

Things I have tried

Getting used to it, but I cant!

Searched the forums, searched Google, checked the Hotkeys and all settings.

You need a plugin to achieve that i.e. to replace keyboard actions in tables. There is no such plugin currently. Plugin API is documented at

In the live preview mode, a workaround is using <br> to break a line into two lines.



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