New context menu is does not work properly

Steps to reproduce

Multiple issues with context menu (aka right click menu)

1. Keyboards controls are not working

Usually with context menus you can do next thing with a keyboard:

  • Press Esc to close it
  • Press Up/Down to navigate menu items
    • If press Up key on first item - it goin to back to last on
    • If press Down key on last item - it goin to back to first on
  • Press Space or Enter engage choose action

2. Keyboard is not get trapped on context menu.

In menus like this usually keyboard get’s “trapped” in a menu.
That mean that when Context Menu is opened so keyboard can manipulate Only in menu, but Not a cursor in editor.
Currently you can open Context menu and freely move cursor around in the document

Nice article here about how it should work here: What are keyboard traps? | Nomensa

3. There is few different Context Menus:

  • Right Mouse Click on Any word (that is pass spellcheck)
  • Right Mouse Click on Any word that misspelled
  • Right Mouse Click on selected part of the word
  • Click Button Menu on the Keyboard on word (that is pass spellcheck)
  • Click Button Menu on the Keyboard on word that misspelled
  • Click Button Menu on the Keyboard on selected part of the word

Bugs here:

  • All menus open by keyboard have only basic actions like Copy/cut/paste
  • missing any additional actions like: Collaborations, Extract current selection
  • Clicking on Not misspell word missing action Collaborations


  • Operating system: Windows 10
  • Obsidian version: v0.12.10

Additional information

There is may be more thing to it. I don’t know all states/actions that should be in Context menu.
Also It may need additional key binding for Vim mode (like j/k for Up/Down

Please, search before posting. This has been discussed several other times.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Accessibility: Keyboard navigation and shortcuts for dialogs and pop-up modals

Although I agree that this bug fell over into associability issues.

But original post this issue was moved is Accessibility: Keyboard navigation and shortcuts for dialogs and pop-up modals

It’s about general navigation in an editor. To implement this properly would take quite a lot of research. And tasks like this usually gets lower priority.

But that I’ve reported is more about Editing experience and directly impact how users can type.

With current state only way to fix misspelled word is to use mouse. That may slow down many users (especially ones that write in non native language) by a lot.

I feel like by merging this issues (and couple similar) into overall application Accessibility mixing different types of user experience in one.
Navigation vs Text editing.

I believe we need to have own issue for context menu since it’s about Editing experience and basic expectations from user (it works this way in most existing applications and browsers).


Thank you very much!!