Need help with the distance between the headers and text using minimal theme

If you are using Obsidian v1.3.7+, there are some new theme variables to play with having to do with spacing. They work as is with Minimal.

You’ll see a change of --p-spacing in both editing and reading modes, and --heading-spacing only in reading mode.

/* default vaules */
/*body {
    --p-spacing: 1rem;
    --heading-spacing: calc(var(--p-spacing) * 2.5);

body {
    --p-spacing: 1rem;
    --heading-spacing: calc(var(--p-spacing) * 1);

You could give those a try (adjusting the values as you like). You can get more specific with only adjusting reading mode, but maybe a screenshot or two with with annotations, arrows, etc., of both modes would help here showing exactly what you are going for.