My Obsidian Publish Zettelkasten (With Custom CSS)


I can’t say how happy I am with with having custom css for obsidian publish (introduced in version 0.9.4) I thought I’d share my Zettelkasten for anyone who wants to check it out.

The theme used is one I created called Reverie, now availble in obsidian community themes

Let me know what you think!
Have a great day!


Looking good!! Any idea whether/when the side scrolling panes & backlinks below each note are coming to Obsidian i.e. not only in Publish mode?

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thanks man, I get you they are nice features. Not sure, I haven’t heard news about it, they’d be awesome as plugins that one can toggle on and off

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Looks great @santi ! How did you get your links in ‘bubbles’?

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Appreciate it! The links in bubbles is an adaptation of tag pills

I’m still testing some of the css to make sure it works without breaking, before I share the code properly.

I can send you the work in progress code thought, once I have it semi ready to share

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I would really appreciate that!! :smiley: I love what you’re doing with it.

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awesome I’ll keep you updated!

Could you please send it to me too? Cannot wait!

I’ll add it to my list of tutorial to-do videos for my YouTube Channel Appreciate the excitment @marcvit and everyone else interested.

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