Move backlinks from sidepanel into the document section (as in Roam)

I was able to run the code in the console and it worked. The only problem is the button that appears but they are dead. I’m not able to play with them.

@mark1nhu and @mrjackphil → Thank you very much for your contribution → this is the last stage for my complete migration from Roam Research to Obsidian!

I will continue trying to make the buttons alive and also to transforme this code in a plugin. I saw many plugins in the console that load automatically. It is just a metter to create one based on the those codes.

@mrkuramoto you don’t need that code anymore as since release 0.12.0 obsidian supports displaying backlinks inside the document natively!

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Thank you for your comment.
I was so anxious to have this feature that I did a big confusion and each time I close and open Obsidian I had to turn on again “Toggle backlings in document”. This is why I was looking for a plugin.

After your comment, I’ve checked it and it is working smootlhy. Great feature!

@mrkuramoto There is a plugin in a Community Plugins section called “Backlinks in a document”. No need to manually run the code and use css snippets.

Some people still using it because it shows backlink section in edit mode while current native implementation don’t do that.

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@mrjackphil the plugin is no longer in the community plugins.

You also mention on your github page that this feature is now part of the core plugins however I am unable to find it (running version 0.12.4)

I also found that when I downloaded your github repo and followed the instruction to install it kept telling me that obsidian failed to launch the plugin.


It’s a command you have to invoke via the command palette. I believe it’s only visible in preview mode.

i still don’t see how to insert backlinks into the document even from command pallette?

It is only available when you are previewing a note.

Hi folks,
I’m not seeing this “backlinks” plugin in the Community Plug-ins. Did it get removed because the functionality is available some other way? If so, what is the way to get this: Move backlinks from sidepanel into the document section (as in Roam).
This forum subject header is exactly what I’m looking for, but over the course of this subject, the goal - backlinks in my document area - recedes from view :frowning:
What am I missing?

OK, so I see that something to this effect is part of the core plug-ins. But is there a way to move the default right side-bar to the bottom, so this workflow is more akin to Roam?

No, sorry, it must be invoked.

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Is this available in the Mobile (iPadOS) version?

Sure is.

Note that it’s only available in previewed pages!