Metadata in file

An option to enable metadata being written into the file. For example there could be a log att the bottom of each text file. In the log such things as dates the note was edited could be recorded.


It would also be very useful to be able to be able to make search queries based on that meta data.

Some metadata that is recorded in the system as you use it.

  • created
  • last edit
  • times viewed
  • amount of times it is linked

If you’re importing files it would be useful to be able to set created to the true creation date.


This would be very nice. I am importing thousands of notes, each of which have creation date/time details and it would be nice for this to be recognized (and usable/searchable)

1 Like

YAML Frontmatter is now recognized. You can also hide it using the option in Settings > Editor > Show frontmatter.

Related feature requests:

1 Like"file-open", async (file) => {
			const metaedit =["metaedit"].api
			const timesViewed = await metaedit.getPropertyValue('timesViewed', file);
			if(!timesViewed) {
				await metaedit.createYamlProperty('timesViewed', 1, file)
			} else {
				await metaedit.update('timesViewed', timesViewed + 1, file)
table timesViewed
from "pdfnotes"
sort timesViewed desc
limit 10
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