Make Obsidian a default app for Markdown files on macOS

Hi and thanks for tha bdvg. Do you mind pasting the code here so that we dont have to download anything? Thanks so much.
The thing i posted above previously was actually targeted to the user pseudmonia. Sorry about that. But thanks for replying. Cheers

Great configuration and Guide!

Was helpful to learn a bit of Automator.

Just wanted to know if script could be edited so that a new tab with the note is opened and it does not overcome(close) whatever note is currently open?

Once again, really appreciate the good work

I wish that were possible, but unfortunately it seems not. The script sends the operating system a request to open a link like obsidian://open? and Iā€™m not aware of a form of this that tells Obsidian to use a new tab.

Just wanted to say that this works so well, even two years after the fact, and that the explanation is really unusually clear. Thank you.

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This was super easy to set up and works perfectly. Thanks for sharing!