Make links work also for filenames that contain # ^ | [ ]

Right now (0.11.4), we allow filenames with # ^ | [ ] but show a warning that links to these files won’t properly work.

Long term, it would be nice to handle these files as well. Perhaps, using \ as escape character.


Might this be on the road map at all?

I would love to put [[links]] in filenames. For example, I might have a note in my vault, and then make a [[PSYCH]] vault such that references to the latter appear in the backlinks to the former, alongside all other links to [[PSYCH]].

Then I might make another note called [[2022-6-30]] [[[[PSYCH]] 101]] Lecture on Cognitive such that any notes referencing that specific note also appear automatically in the backlinks section of

  • 2022-6-30
  • [[PSYCH]] 101

Without explicitly linking any of those three separately.

Also, I just realized that this is possible using markdown links (rather than [[wiki-links]]), however you have to properly encode the square brackets manually — even when the wiki-links option is turned off, Obsidian just leaves the square brackets in there when generating a markdown link, creating an unclickable link.