Since I try to keep my notes atomic in Obsidian, I try to keep them short and link them to each other, but tags are kind of a dead end. For example, if I link a “Cat” file with an “Animal” file, then later on when I go and find out some interesting information about animals, I can write it to the animal file, I can also see other files linked to the animal file with the help of the local graph or plugins (breadcrumbs, dataview etc.). But I can’t do this if I tag the cat file as “Animal”. If I want to open a file called “Animal”, I would have two “independent” concepts, both tag and file.
I personally solved this problem by opening a property called “linktags” which replaces “tags” and links files there just like a tag. It works for now, but if you like my idea, it would be cool to get a native obsidian support. I’m almost sure I’ll have trouble in the future with plugins that will only work with tags (metadata menu etc)