Maintain casing of text when using link autosuggestion

Assume I have note Note

Using autosuggestion popup, starting from [[note.. leads to [[Note name]].
It would be better to create
[[note name]]
[[Note name|note name]]


I came here looking for this exact feature request. It would also be nice to get multiple suggestions as well. One for the native capitalization of the note title, the other for lowercase.


They already point to the same note.

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Any plan on this? This feature would be quite nice to have. :grinning:

Yes, wikilinks are case insensitive: [[My note]] and [[my note]] point to the same file “My”. However, when you update file name, wikilink’s case will be updated as well.

If you rename “” to “Favorite”, then wikilink in lowercase [[note]] will be update with the new file name’s case [[Favorite note]], instead of preserving lowercase.

Current behavior after renaming file:
“This is my [[note]].” → “This is my [[Favorite note]].”

Desired behavior after renaming file:
“This is my [[note]].” → “This is my [[favorite note]].”

Desired behavior:

  • do not update case in wikilinks (preserve lowercase), or maybe better:
  • have an option to automatically use sentence case for wikilinks

The goal is to provide a more seemless reading experience.

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I concur. Showed up in this thread for this exact problem. The case being updated mid-sentence just because the file name’s case was changed is very awkward.