Magma Theme: A dark theme for Obsidian

Magma Theme for Obsidian

A dark theme for Obsidian. Includes a dark UI with a tint of orange, and also a color-changing panel header. Contains a whole lotta orange.



  1. Open your Obsidian Vault
  2. Turn on "Custom CSS, " if you haven’t done so already. To do so, click on the gear, then go to “Appearence”, and switch on “Custom CSS”
  3. Download the file obsidian.css, and paste it into your vault folder.
  4. Enjoy!

For any advice or problems, you can email me at [email protected], or open an issue.


Fitting name for an Obsidian theme! :laughing:

Let me know if you’d like to add it to the community theme list!

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Sure, why not!


Add highlighting colors and also a magma background for tags (visibility might be a bit decreased, you can always disable it).

A demonstration of highlighting and tags.

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Change highlighting in math blocks and code blocks, fix tags appearing in HTML code blocks, and add testing document.