MacOS: Slow start, even with all plugins disabled

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start Obsidian in restricted mode, all core plug-in disabled

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide?


Expected result

Starts fast and shows 0 core plugin active

Actual result

Starts slow and shows 1 core plugin active


Obsidian version: v1.7.7
Installer version: v1.5.11
Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 23.6.0: Mon Jul 29 21:14:04 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.141.2~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8122 23.6.0
Login status: not logged in
Language: en
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: on
Base theme: adapt to system
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: on


Additional information


Is the sandbox vault slow to start?

Where is your vault stored exactly? Do you use iCloud or any other third party service?

Sorry for the late reply @WhiteNoise , I hadn’t received the notification :pray:

  • The sandbox vault starts instantly.
  • My vault is stored in /Users/MyName/MyVault

The first start I imagine is the slowest.

How are the subsequent ones, where you come back 5-10 minutes later. Any different?

Are you using multiple accounts on your Mac?

Just noticed that the installer version in the info is 1.5.11., the minimum we now recommend is 1.5.12. Are you able to update to the latest 1.8.3?

Thanks for your follow up guys !

I am not using multiple accounts, but I’ll download this new installer and keep you updated.

1 Like

Still no luck… a mysterious core plugin seems to be slowing down the workspace load

How are the subsequent ones, where you come back 5-10 minutes later. Any different?

If you mean loading the workspace, closing it, opening it up again, no difference.

It’s not mysterious and it’s likely not that plugin. Something is wrong at startup time.

What are your thoughts on what can be wrong at startup time?

I’m also getting this problem, but mine takes 30 seconds to load over just 10. Any help would be appreciated!

@antobisdian Sorry for the short reply earlier. The one plugin that you see a non-user selectable plugin that implements an editor feature. We believe the slowdown to be caused during the startup process by the filesystem read operation.

@TheEndernaut How are your results if you enable restricted mode and restart Obsidian?

What is your OS version, exact make and model of the device, and where is your vault stored. Thanks

I am quite interested in this bug report, so please let me know!