[MacOS]: Obsidian does not save and get stuck in a limbo state (failed to save - Timed out)

I assume you mean anyone besides me, right? (bc 2 posts up I reported that it happened to me on 0.12.19 (installer ver 0.12.19)

This has happened 3 times within the first two days of installing Obsidian.

System information:
macOS Big Sur 11.6
Apple M1
Obsidian v0.13.14

Checked the SSD with disk utility and found no errors.

The only setting I changed after installation was enabling vim. All community plugins disabled.

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Steps to reproduce

It is not clear what the trigger is, but this has happened on two different OS X systems now, with the latest release version that includes live-preview. (Which I was excited about.)

In any case, at some point while editing a note, I get a JavaScript error toast that claims the file cannot be written; this toast then disappears before I can screen capture it. However, in the debug console I have this:

app.js:1 Error: File system operation timed out.
    at e.kill (app.js:1)
    at a (app.js:1)
(anonymous) @ app.js:1
app.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) Error: File system operation timed out.
    at e.kill (app.js:1)
    at a (app.js:1)
app.js:1 Error: File system operation timed out.
    at e.kill (app.js:1)
    at a (app.js:1)
(anonymous) @ app.js:1
2app.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) Error: File system operation timed out.
    at e.kill (app.js:1)
    at a (app.js:1)
app.js:1 Error: File system operation timed out.
    at e.kill (app.js:1)
    at a (app.js:1)
(anonymous) @ app.js:1
(anonymous) @ app.js:1
(anonymous) @ app.js:1
a @ app.js:1
app.js:1 Error: File system operation timed out.
    at e.kill (app.js:1)
    at a (app.js:1)
(anonymous) @ app.js:1
(anonymous) @ app.js:1
(anonymous) @ app.js:1
a @ app.js:1


  • Operating system: OS X 11.6

  • Debug info: 0.13.14

Additional information

I commit all files to git. This error completely overwrites the contents with an empty file, as indirectly illustrated by this git output:

git diff --shortstat
 1 file changed, 113 deletions(-)
git status
On branch master
Your branch is ahead of 'mini/master' by 4 commits.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
	modified:   tech/references/Obsidian git-annex sync scripts.md

I certainly didn’t delete any lines, let alone every single one of them. I’ve reverted to 0.12.19 which has never caused any data loss so far. Perhaps someday this gets fixed and I can upgrade?

Happens to me on 0.13.14 on two different OS X systems, immediately after (same day) upgrading from 0.12.19. I’ve since reverted.

I believe this is this bug which is a long long standing issue. Maybe I am wrong. Anyway, you can try to see if it happens with no plugins enabled and report back.

So this is the same exact issue I’m experiencing but it occurs whenever I try to open another vault within an iCloud sync. So my console looks very similar to the one pointed above. When I prettify it, it has to do with this line from app.js specifically the last one with the error.

e.prototype.getFullPath = function(e) {
                var t = this.getRealPath(e);
                return this.getFullRealPath(t)
            e.prototype.getFullRealPath = function(e) {
                return this.path.join(this.basePath, e)
            e.prototype.kill = function() {
                this.killLastAction && (this.killLastAction(new Error("File system operation timed out.")),
                this.killLastAction = null)

It also has to do with this line from app.js

 function kt(e, t, n) {
            void 0 === t && (t = 0),
            void 0 === n && (n = !1);
            var i = null
              , r = null
              , o = null
              , s = 0
              , a = function() {
                if (s) {
                    var t = Date.now();
                    if (t < s)
                        return i = window.setTimeout(a, s - t),
                        void (s = 0)
                i = null,
                e.apply(r, o)

Specifically the last line "e.apply(r,o).

I’m running 13.14 on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7.

Steps to reproduce this:

  1. Create a folder under Obsidian in iCloud Drive with iCloud Sync.

  2. Select “Open another vault”.

  3. Select “Open folder as vault”

  4. Create a Note in the Folder

  5. Go to hotkeys and set a hotkey for “Add Internal Link” (I use Cmd + L)

  6. Type up anything and then create an internal link that hasn’t been used before using the hotkey.

  7. While holding the command key, hover over the internal link and create a new note.

A new window pane should appear and should say “No File is Open” and nothing is responsive. You should eventually receive a notification stating “File system operation timed out.” It will also not save anything you have typed.

I recently experienced this same issue on OS X 11.3.1 & Obsidian version 13.19. I “resolved” the problem without disabling any plugins by restarting Obsidian. After the restart there were a number of issues present:

  1. Just as @obsidian885 experienced, the file I was editing was cleared.
  2. I had my vaults index file & graph placed in the sidebar both of which were no longer present after the restart.
  3. The files that were open before the restart (including pinned items) were not reopened.

What confuses me the most is I have two vaults with identical settings but only experienced this issue on one vault even though I use both vaults simultaneously. The unaffected vault started up with no issues. Hopefully, this information can help get us one step closer to a solution. I will update if the problems arise again.

make sure this is disabled on your desktop; if it is enabled or if you are using iCloud to sync to a mobile device along with Obsidian sync (iOS doesn’t have an equivalent setting) it is possible for iCloud to unexpectedly decide to free local space and null out local files. Your issue might be unrelated to the original bug report too. It doesn’t happen to everyone but you may well be hitting this. How to Enable or Disable Optimize Mac Storage - MacRumors

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Back on 0.12.19 and still no issues, as before. Afraid to ever upgrade; Cannot lose data as that invalidates using this software entirely.

This bug has no relationship with 0.13.x or 0.12.x. So you likely have another issue.

No, the behavior described in the OP is exactly the behavior I experienced with 0.13.x. And that is why I returned to 0.12.x. And I experienced this behavior on two different OS X systems, the same identical behavior. A JavaScript error toast appears that the file could not be written, and my data gone.

I was able to provide the JavaScript stack trace as well; this is a real thing that happens: Error: File system operation timed out.

Is there some other place or way I can provide this information? Data loss within a note taking applications seems worthwhile to investigate. I’d be happy to help anyway I can, but I’m not sure involved with Obsidian cares?

OP is from May 21. 0.13 wasn’t out in in May 2021.
Again, you either have this bug in 0.12 and in 0.12 there isn’t the error toast yet or you have different bug.
If you have a different bug, and it’s reproduceable, open a new bug report and attach repro steps in the help vault.

And was the bug in the OP fixed? If so, in which release? Or was it not reproducible? Is there a change log entry for this?


Hi, relatively new to Obsidian and I experienced a similar problem re data loss. I guess I could outline some details about my case if that would be helpful

  • Made a new vault
  • Writing for a few hours on the same page
  • Mac runs out of space and everything that I had just written disappeared
  • File recovery > 0 kb file
  • All files were saved on local storage

A lot of what has been described sounds similar to my situation but the trigger for my case was that I ran out of space on my mac. Like OP I was writing for a good while before it happened and I expected to be able to access previous states of the markdown file but I tried file recovery and it was empty. Unfortunately, I failed to take note of the error alerts that popped up as I was quite upset over the data loss. I’ve since configured my vaults to sync with dropbox to try to avoid this problem in the future. Really hope it doesn’t happen again. :sob:

If you run out of space and you didn’t acknowledge the warnings that obsidian was sending, How is this obsidian’s fault?

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Syncing via Obsidian sync or third-party tools like DropBox on MacOS or Linux will use inotify watchers and those watchers have a limit.
Could it be that the watcher limit was reached and Obsidian ignored the Node.js ENOSPC error? How does Obsidian behave when it can’t register watchers?

Plus one on this:

  • Data loss
  • Uncaught: File system operation timed out
  • Snapshot worked for a bit then stopped. Screenshot shows partial snapshot

Please see attached screenshots:

  • The file in Obsidian
  • The file on the filesystem (it’s zero bytes with no content even though previously it had content)
  • Obsidian dev tools, console view and a couple other views that might be helpful

The “vault” is in Dropbox. Obsidian v.0.13.23 macOS 11.6.2 MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020)

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Is this at all related to the OP report or the other unrelated reports in thread? Based on the error in your screenshot, it looks like the OS filesystem was preventing Obsidian from writing files. If Obsidian is unable to write files to your device, it’s not obvious at all that this is even Obsidian’s fault.

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Im having this exact same issue on an M1 2020 mac. No issue with accessing file system on other applications and storing the vault on my desktop no icloud. I also just started using obsidian today. Edit: To clarify, I am seeing the exact same errors in the application console and the same undesired behaviour of being unable to save.

New user, on a 2019 macbook running Catalina 10.15.7. I have plenty of space on my device, but I keep getting the unable to write/load errors. General security settings have been enabled for Obsidian, but I keep getting the errors. I’ve lost half a days worth of notes. There were snapshots to help me restore some of it, but the last two snapshots were just blank.