LP Spellcheck Dictionary no longer accesses app.json in VAULT/.obsidian

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Steps to reproduce

Windows 10 / 64bit v. 0.13.16 LP Editor

  1. Right-click mis-spelled word | add to dictionary.
  2. Enable spellchecking | verify source of custom dictionary words (i.e. vault/.obsidian/app/json vs. local storage APPDATA)

Expected result

  1. Add to Dictionary should add word to app.json dictionary in vault, NOT Custom Dictionary.txt in local storage.
  2. Should spellcheck with app.json dictionary in vault, NOT Custom Dictionary in local storage.

Actual result

  1. Instead “Add to Dictionary” adds to APPDATA/Roaming/obsidian/Custom Dictionary.txt
  2. Instead spellcheck uses APPDATA/Roaming/obsidian/Custom Dictionary.txt


  • Operating system: Win 10 / 64-bit / v. 0.13.16
  • Debug info:

Additional information

Thank you for all the work you’ve done on Obsidian, I’m grateful!

  1. Having the spellcheck dictionary in the vault allows vault-specific vocabularies, and allows the dictionary to be controlled with git and/or synced between devices.

  2. ENH request: in app.json, rather than storing dictionary words there, point to custom dictionary file(s) in VAULT/.obsidian (e.g. My Custom Dictionary.json). This would allow reduced size of app.json and allow user to swap out custom dictionaries based on context. Perhaps use a UI similar to CSS Snippets, to enable/disable multiple custom spellcheck dictionaries from Obsidian.

Thanks in advance!

Now we rely on global/electron provided spellchecker. So the global dictionary is gonna stay. Sorry about that!