Live Preview: Better support of code blocks in lists

# test heading 1

- Test
	- Test
		- Test python

# test heading 2

- Test
	- Test
		- Test properties

# test heading 3 

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This could maybe be added to:

Going through the same things here. (562 Bytes)

And I think it’s different from that post.

same here, use tab or space to indent code blocks with properties will result this issue.

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I tried switching to Obsidian multiple times, but this has always been the dealbreaker that prevented me from using Obsidian in the first place… Even to the point where I implemented some features I was missing from Obsidian on top of a different proprietary Markdown editor by and only for myself.

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Damn, looks like this is still an issue that need to be resolved!
I like Obsidian, but this inconvenience annoying.

I mean it works ok in “Reading mode”, but still an issue in “Live mode”


Hi, just want to add my vote for prioritizing this issue / bug fix. Being unable to nest code blocks inside lists is a major pain point for my workflow.