List of tags have vanished :/

Hi there, I have an Obsidian setup on Mac, Windows, Android (MD files synced) synced via Syncthing. All was well until recently all my tags on the right sidebar have vanished from Mac and Windows! How do I get the list back pls?

The tag list is now replaced with demo and 2 hex colours!


I assume that the tags still exist in the file.
Is the tag plugin switched on?

Or are you looking at the correct Vault?

Hey there! The tag pane plugin is enabled and I am in the correct vault as I see all my files on the left pane. The tags are in the front matter meta for each file as #tagName etc. It worked brilliantly before. Nothing changed my end save for using Obsidian more on Mac/Windows.

If they’re in the front matter block, they won’t be parsed for the tag pane.
You will need to take the tags out or wait for a different plugin.
Easiest way of doing that is to remove the front matter delimiters. I used a text editor to do that with all my files. Only took a few minutes.

Please, search before posting.
This has been reported and discussed before.

Thanks for that. In this case I searched for tags have disappeared. I would not have figured out to do a search term that resembled that post title!!!

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