Linux: Images and PDFs don't load if vault contains accented letters such as é (non english, non ascii, cjk, Umlauts)

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On Gnome you only have 1 setting that controls all format related things.
On KDE Plasma you have granual control. And it seems like the ‘Region’ setting is what’s causing the problem there. Even if you set it to ‘default.UTF-8’ it still causes issues. It has to be set to ‘en_US.UTF-8’.
But this seems to be a more general linux/electron issue, not a distro or desktop enviroment specific thing.

AS A TEST. I fully reinstalled manjaro but select Dutch as my language this time.
Interestingly enough. That works fine. (double-checked, it did automatically set the format settings to nl_BE automatically)
Changing it to American English doesn’t break it.
And changing it back to nl_BE again also doesn’t break it.

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Thanks for all the testing.

Ok my suspicious was correct. This is an electron problem tied to system locale.

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@Thibaultmol I could reproduce it! The interface in KDE to change regional settings has changed however, and when I changed the settings to American English, I saw no changes. I had to modify /etc/locale.conf to manually set everything to en_US.UTF-8 to make it work. Thanks for investigating!

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If anyone on flatpak is looking for a quick fix for this: Edit the Exec command in ~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications/md.obsidian.Obsidian.desktop and add an --env=LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 after the run command.

I opened this bug and @WhiteNoise linked it to this already opened one.

I was a bit surprise that my recent bug could be related to another one opened months ago, because before updating yesterday everything was working fine in my vault which contains a lot of image with non-ascii names. I tried changing my locales and many other things, but the issue was still there… then I decided to uninstall Obsidian from the snapstore and re-install it with the deb package, as it was before. Now the images in my vault show up.

If any one is looking for a quick fix, from my tests: the snap version triggers issue, but not the deb package one.


Cheers mate! It works for me! Thanks for saving my time!

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I can confirm that this bug only shows up for me when using the snap version and not when using the .deb version. Thank you Evelf!

OS: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS [A variant of Ubuntu]
OS language: English (United States)
Characters causing the bug: The Swedish “ö” character

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I have the same issue on Linux Mint 21.2 with a snap version 1.4.13. In my case, the problem was Polish letter ł.

Steps to reproduce

  • create a pdf with an umlaut in the filename, say: Bühne.pdf
  • embed the file via ![[Bühne.pdf]]

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]

Yes. I copied the pdf over into the sandbox at ~/snap/obsidian/21/.config/obsidian/Obsidian Sandbox/ and tried to embed it. Same result.

Expected result

The pdf is displayed

Actual result

The pdf viewer shows no content and 0 pages.


	Obsidian version: v1.4.16
	Installer version: v1.4.16
	Operating system: #101-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 14 13:30:08 UTC 2023 5.15.0-91-generic
	Login status: not logged in
	Insider build toggle: off
	Live preview: on
	Legacy editor: off
	Base theme: dark
	Community theme: none
	Snippets enabled: 0
	Restricted mode: on


I clicked on »Sandbox Vault« but nothing changed — same output.


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nix package and flatpak on fedora 39 with btrfs are also involved. The letters which caused problems for me so far are: á é ő ö. Changing them to ascii comatible ones (a,e,o) solves the issue.

on my os every language configuration are set to en_US.UTF-8.

I have this problem with the snap-package as well. I use Kubuntu 23.10. If I use the flatpak, everything works. The vault is synced with the obsidian sync.
In my case the german umlaut “ü” is in the path.

Snap-Package (all addons are disabled)

Flatpak (with addons)

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I’m seeing the same issue using the snap.

I experience the same issue with a flatpak under Ubuntu. Accented or every non-ASCII characters seem to trigger the issue (à é è î ç … etc).

Are Obsidian devs working on it ?

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Fedora 40, KDE, my repository is in a folder with a Russian name, it’s funny that appimage works well with Cyrillic and doesn’t care even though all your attachments are in Russian, but snap is very important.

here’s an example

/home/проекты/ - snap (not working)
/home/проекты/ -appimage (working)

/home/ - snap (working)
/home/ -appimage (working)

here is a fresh bug on this topic (it seems to me that in 2 years it could have been fixed…)

I believe this bug appears some package formats and not others depending if the package uses some sandboxing techniques.

Hi There!
I have the same issue, note that using path with en chars only Obsidian loads the image, but don’t do this on path with accent. Do you have already fix this issue? I am using Ubuntu 24.04

Thanks @Evelf, uninstall snap version and reinstalling from dev version also working for me!

everything is cool… but if you use Fedora then f you.
also the question of the decade, why can’t you create an extension for fedora? this repository is used by more than 20 people

The issue with the snap install is still here.
The .deb works fine.

finally!!! install .deb and the bug is gone! Thanks!!