Links between Excalidraw mindmaps

I’d like to make links between excalidraw mindmaps elements. For example i’ve draw a a bunch of handwritten mindmaps and i want to make links between concepts inside those mindmaps.
That is possible ?

You have a few different ways to do this. Depending on whether you are on desktop or mobile, the process can be slightly different. Whether creating a link to part of a drawing to be placed within a note or a drawing, you have the option to use the Excalidraw: Copy markdown link for selected element to clipboard. command to generate the link. Depending on how exactly you want to link to or embed the one part of the drawing into the other part of the drawing or note, you can use the following commands:

  • Copy ‘area=’ markdown link for selected element to clipboard.
  • Copy ‘group=’ markdown link for selected element to clipboard.
  • Copy ‘frame=’ markdown link for selected element to clipboard.

There are additional ways to run these commands beyond remembering hotkeys. For example, you can utilize modifier keys when clicking on the following icon within the tool palette. The palette can be toggled via the Obsidian icon within the Excalidraw interface.


I would suggest checking out the many videos that are on YouTube showing how to use Excalidraw. See the “Zsolt’s Visual Personal Knowledge Management” channel for the best material created by the plugin’s developer. Also, see the documentation here: In addition to a rundown of the basic plugin functionality at the top, this page provides links to some of the essential YouTube video help. It can be a little overwhelming at first, but you will get the hang of it soon enough and it will be worth it.

Good luck!

Thank you so much for you detailed reply.

Indeed based on your reply i’ve done a quick try and it works fine. I used that icon in the tools bar, them i selected and image inside one of my mindmaps and then i did the link and works ok.

Btw, i’ll explore the other ways and those videos. Thanks !

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