Links and references with Markdown syntax (local resources)

Hello everybody, I’m a new user of Obsidian, recently I’m trying to migrate from Notion to this app and all was amazing, but I have a simple problem that I can’t resolve (or maybe this does’nt work really) with the internal links.

What I’m trying to do

I’m trying to make Link references for use several times in a file, and I want to write the reference Link only one time. For external links this works very well, for example:

En esta clase se siguió el contenido respectivo a la [Arquitectura][ref01]

- - -

[ref01]:  "Arquitectura Cliente Servidor"

But, for an internal reference, this doesn’t work:

En esta clase se siguió el contenido respectivo a la [Arquitectura][ref01]

- - - 

[ref01]: /Digital%20House/Bimestre%20I/Clases/Arquitectura%20Cliente-Servidor  "Arquitectura Cliente Servidor"

Things I have tried

Well… this syntax work well:

En esta clase se siguió el contenido respectivo a la [Arquitectura](/Digital%20House/Bimestre%20I/Clases/Arquitectura%20Cliente-Servidor)

But, write all the link on any reference does’nt sound a good method. I’m not interested on use Wikilinks sytanx, but I have’nt found a solution with this, so…

I don’t know how solve this xd. Thank’s foryour help.

PD: Sorry my bad english haha

Unfortunately Obsidian doesn’t handle reference-style links as well as it should.


How about using the Obsidian URL, available from the triple-dot menu in each note as ‘Copy Obsidian URL’?



Okay okay! It’s a very Obsidian-specific syntax, but it works. Thanks! :saluting_face:

Ohhh, hopefully in the future they can integrate it better. Thanks for your help :face_with_monocle:

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