Large vault on desktop: Loading workspace takes a long time

:tada: yeaaah, works also for me!!! Thank you very much :partying_face:

I can confirm that this allowed opening a vault with 30k+ notes in seconds, rather than half an hour or so.

I still have a rather intriguing behavior, which is that indexing happens on every vault opening (with same exact number of notes everytime)ā€¦even if the message says that it should happen only once. This doesnā€™t happen with other vaults!


Any tip on how to troubleshoot this?

Thanks in advance.

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1.6.5 will be released with electron 30. You will need to download and reinstall obsidian from our main website.

I got an error, trying to install the new 1.6.5:

I closed all programs, even after reboot I couldnā€™t finish the installation processā€¦

Can confirm upgrading from Obsidian 1.5.12 to 1.6.7 via brew upgrade obsidian reduced startup times from 4-5 mins (even in restricted mode with a fresh .obsidian folder) to 6 seconds :partying_face:

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