Large Vault: Editor lags when file explorer in view and file list is expanded

Steps to reproduce

Put Obsidian in restricted mode and disable all core plugin, except bookmarks. Create new files, and add some text.

Type and select the text.

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]

I did try. I can detect a smaller lag there, but I suspect lag is longer in my own vault due to larger size. I will post anyway, as I can reproduce this issue, but will take to long too pump sandbox full of files.

Expected result

Typing should be fast and lag free. So should selecting text.

Actual result

Typing is laggy, and the highlight takes quite a while to catch up with the selected text.


Obsidian version: v1.8.4
Installer version: v1.8.4
Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 24.3.0: Thu Jan 2 20:22:00 PST 2025; root:xnu-11215.81.4~3/RELEASE_X86_64 24.3.0
Login status: logged in
Language: en
Catalyst license: none
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: on
Base theme: dark
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: on


Additional information

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Lag also happens after enabling files (file viewer) or tags viewer core plugins

If I hide the left and right panel, the lag goes away, so it is related to displaying stuff in the panels while editing.

Where is your vault stored exactly?

Did it begin with 1.8.4?

My path is /Users/waynesmith/Obsidian/My Permanent Notes. The normal Mac home directory.

I have first noticed it with 1.8.4, but seems others have noticed it before that:

Other may have a different problem.

Is your vault on iCloud or any other backup service?

Are you running Obsidian from the same account you installed it?

Not running on iCloud. Basic mac home filesystem. Yes running from same account. I have just copied my files out to another folder and opened as new vault.

I can reproduce by quickly selecting a passage of text with mouse. When files panel is showing it is visibly slower for highlight to catch up with the selection, while when files panel closed, it is instant.

I am willing to bet this is a universal issue, but the magnitude of the delay will vary, but maybe tolerable for many?

Can you make a screen recording exactly where you see the lag?

I will make an effort to reproduce this problem on my end today with a large vault.

With file panel visible:

2025-02-02 14.24.54

With file panel closed:

2025-02-02 14.28.16

Ok. Can you post a screenshot of your file explorer panel?

Too many private named folders, but I have 50 folders in the root (which is quite high), so may be related to that.

Another observation is that when my Obsidian desktop app is maximised, the lag is much worse than when it is a smaller window… Let me test with my copied test vault and make fewer folders.

I collapsed everything into two folders in root, but did not improve the lag which is still visible. When I close the panel, no lag.


Another observation is that it does not seem related to having links in the file. Lag still there for plain text files too (when files panel visible).

I discovered some files in the vault that somehow had the : in their names, which I have now removed (I saw them when I got errors after I re-synced my vault). After this, I am not seeing lag, so could this be the cause…? Will keep monitoring… so far so good.

no, it is still there on some pages… very elusive to reproduce, but definitely there.

With file navigator panel visible , showing lag:
2025-02-02 16.30.35

With file navigator hidden, showing no lag:
2025-02-02 16.32.54

Very weird observation:

Lag is only on the first 5 lines of the file. Line 6 has no lag!

2025-02-02 16.44.27

2025-02-02 16.44.47

I had properties in the file above. I deleted them, and then first 8 lines lagged, and line 9 was fine. Odd indeed.

Last GIf, clearly showing lag on first 8 lines, and then no lag with file navigator panel hidden:

2025-02-02 16.52.11

2025-02-02 16.52.52

And to note some files do not lag at all (even for the first 8 lines), while others do. I cannot fathom the pattern (yet)