Knowledge Organization, Cataloging and Classification in Obsidian
Type: Group Discussion
Expected Duration (min): 60
Presenter: @brimwats
Longer Description by presenter:
This is a tentative proposal to see if anyone is interested in this topic or would like to collaborate on making it a reality! Please feel free to contact me on the forum or Discord if you’d like to participate.
Technical Requirements: None
Please use this link to let them know when you would prefer the talk to be based on their available time slots. You can find the voting poll here to get an outline of the talk.
Update 2021-05-10 - We needed to postpone the talk to the 1st or 2nd week of June. Please add your votes again on this link to find a new time slot : Obsidian Community Talk: Knowledge Organization - When2meet
Please feel free to ask any questions related to this talk, or share any thoughts/comments!