Keyboard navigation in settings menu, plugin menu

Hi, I’m new with obsidian but bewildered about this lack of keyboard navigation in the menus too. Because as something text based, I hate leaving my keyboard just to click on something.

There is another request about this since Mar’21 but I’m not sure about any progress…

I didn’t even expect as much as searchable settings (though will love it too), I just really want at least arrow up and down + Enter for most things. I agree with what @evoalg said, ubiquitous UI things that work on of windows file explorer should work on on obsidian too

Besides the settings, I really hope this is applicable on file explorer, the outline pane, etc. This is essential when you are creating a comprehensive note with lots of headings you want to jump in-between. Specially since escaping search within page often leaving the view and cursor somewhere else.

I already map the in-app hotkeys for opening/closing panes or jumping between panes, but it is a useless shortcut if in the end I need to use my mouse to click on them in the end.