Jumping to the wrong viewport position in live preview

Could any of these be related?

  1. When switching between edit and viewport, the positioning moves.I’d expect the cursor to be in the same position on the screen when switching between views

  2. When hovering over links in view mode, notes are previewed. However, with some combinations of font sizing, this make the note links unclickable, because the preview moves the view slightly.
    Is this related?

There is now a fessible soluiton:

Noticing that after the 1st click, the cursor has already been located at the correct line, one can “recenter” the active line: scroll the active line to the center of the screen automatically by a running a script. And this operation can be binded to a hotkey so as to provide a smooth workflow.

This solution needs quickAdd plug-in, and a .js code. Details can be found here

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I wouldn’t call this a solution, but rather a workaround. The underlying issue still needs to be solved. But nevertheless nice that there is a workaround.

Edit: However, when I try to follow that link I get:

Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.

sorry for the invalid link. I have updated it.

The solution is provided by @ush :slight_smile: