Is there some way to open Obsidian in File Explorer on Android

Things I have tried

What I’m trying to do

Just wanted ask if there was any way to have Obsidian in the File Explorer rather than a in a note?

Hi, its not clear what u want to do. Can u explain more? Btw, if u r asking if it’s possible to have obsidian as the default app to open any markdown file, then it’s a no (but there’s a feature request on it. Right now u can only open a vault (which is a folder) and it will load all files within it.

Thanks, actually what I would like, especially on android is to have Obsidian open directly into the File Explorer instead of into a note. As it is now it seems to always go into the same note even if I haven’t used it lately. If it opened the file explorer instead I could pick where I wanted to go instead of having to manually open the file explorer first.

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