Is there a quick way to create a page with specific template on the daily notes page?

Things I have tried

Tried the slow, frictional way:

  1. Type out something on my DNP: ( ) PROJ - Optimise my workflow
  2. Select the line and turn it into a link: [[( ) PROJ - Optimise my workflow]]
  3. Ctrl-click the link to go into it, and then add my YAML frontmatter template.
  4. Voila, done in 3 steps. But when this is done for 10 tasks in a row, it becomes 30 steps.

What I’m trying to do

Is there a quick way to add types of pages (with templates) on the DNP? For example, adding a Task, Project, Fleeting Note, Literature Note, etc. Also, something that can be done on Mobile? Thank you.

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