@pmbauer, try moving the cursor horizontally instead of vertically: as soon as you move the cursor a bit further left than the beginning of a line, it gets stuck in the title field of the note.
This is how I regularly trigger the bug (e.g., by trying to place the cursor at the beginning of a line to prepend something to that line), especially when I’m in a hurry and don’t move the cursor very slowly and with surgical precision to prevent overshooting.
EDIT: The bug is also present in the just released version v1.2.3.
Since I encounter this bug so frequently, I had assumed it was universal, but @pmbauer’s observation, that note length might to be a relevant factor, is definitely an important one.
It does not seem to be note length itself, though, but scroll position and document complexity that appear to be the prerequisites for triggering the bug. More specifically:
To trigger the bug by moving the cursor vertically:
You only need a very simple note (i.e., with zero markdown formatting) that is slightly longer than the screen and you only need to scroll down minimally.
When you then move the cursor to the top, the cursor gets stuck in the title field.
For triggering the bug by moving the cursor horizontally:
If you have a very simple note with zero markdown formatting (i.e., no headings, lists, etc.), the note can be very long (e.g., 4000 words) and you can scroll down as much as you want, the bug still won’t trigger by moving the cursor horizontally to the beginning of the line.
If you have a “normal” note, with a bunch of markdown formatting, you may have to scroll down a bit inside the note, before the bug can be triggered.
My impression is, having (unnumbered) lists early in the note is particularly conducive for triggering the bug.
I didn’t mention an external keyboard. Also android keyboards offer similar keyboard features, but a plugin isn’t bad either
Did you check out my link in first place ? @BeR
@Jopp, everyone in this thread is on iOS. The plugin you linked to is for adding keyboard shortcuts to Obsidian. The only way to invoke keyboard shortcuts on an iOS device is by using an external keyboard. Hence my jokingly pointing out that suggesting to carry around an external keyboard to use with our iPhones is not a particularly feasible workaround.
I was just thinking how to be helpful.
If “holding the space bar to place the cursor” doesn’t help, then you’ll need other methods.
Plugins are system agnostic so it doesn’t matter if Apple or not Apple - I never heard that plugins work just for one OS. I use the suggested plugin myself.
It helps placing your cursor and much more. If you’re comfortable with it or not is up to you, the plugin is free to use.
This bug it a big deal for me too. I use the spacebar-hold for insertion constantly. Aside from the title issue, It seems that the repeat value needs to be turned down as well (like when you hold down a key on a keyboard, there’s a speed that it repeats, the cursor’s repeat moves way too fast. It’s like skating into a brick wall at 60mph.)
With Obsidian v1.5.8, the situation seems improved, but both types of held-spacebar cursor moving still exhibit erratic behavior for me. As I wrote above, you typically need to be further down in a slightly complex document to reliably trigger the issues.
When moving the cursor vertically:
scrolling past even large sections of normal text seems fine
but when I move the cursor upwards across a heading, Obsidian often switches to text selection mode (when you very slowly move the cursor across a heading, you can actually observe the cursor jumping to the beginning of the line and then “flickering” there – I have a feeling this might be a or even the source of the bug)
this is much less disruptive than the previous behavior of the cursor jumping to the beginning of the file and getting stuck in the title field, but it is still a bit irritating
When moving the cursor horizontally:
when I move the cursor to the beginning of the current line in normal text or a list, it works fine now (which is a huge improvement to before!)
when I move the cursor to the beginning of the line and also move it vertically upwards across a heading, Obsidian not only sometimes switches to text selection mode (see above), it also sometimes catapults the cursor into the title field at the beginning of the note, which is very disruptive and disorienting
So in short, if you are familiar with the mechanics of this bug, it is much easier to work around it now, but if you are not, you might get the impression that it is better to just avoid moving the cursor by holding down the virtual spacebar.