iOS Shortcuts - Share your ideas!

Ok so I believe the problem was it was using x-callback and that was waiting for a response and totally borking the share sheet. Here’s an updated that just uses the Open URL action:


Did you beat me to this! Gosh!!!

You did. You win. You win.


Works beautifully now! Thanks @ryanjamurphy and @shabegom !


If you use airmail on iOS, the following Shortcut can be used as a custom action to append a link as a task to your daily note in Obsidian.

(Uses the Obsidian Advanced URI plugin, which needs to be installed first)

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Here’s a series of shortcuts I built to install/retrieve plugins and snippets on iOS. All of them require that you create a “folder bookmark” for your Obsidian vault in the Toolbox Pro app first. Like this.


Tried it out but didn’t manage to change the path where the shortcut saves the audio recording (by default it’s /shortcuts/ on icloud).

I’ll try for now with “choosing folder every time” (thanks @ryanjamurphy for the shortcut), once search embeds for audios are fixed!


I’ve implemented a couple of ShortCuts to have quick access to my checklists.

They have some constraints:

  1. All the checklist have to been in a folder (yeah, I’m a folder guy: in this case is easier to use folders than tags)
  2. You can have subfolders but just one level
  3. You have to use ToolBox Pro to bookmark the folder containing your checklists

The first ShortCut scans the folder ad save JSON file containing the menu structure in the ShortCuts iCloud folder. You need to launch this every time you create a new checklist.
Update Obsidian checklists menu

The second one load the JSON file and pop-up the menu. The subfolders are displayed as Subfolder name > and open their own submenus.
Obsidian Checklists

Be sure to use in both ShortCuts the same name for the JSON file.

I’ve choose this two stages implementation because scan the folders every time makes the menu too slow.


This new ShortCut appends new tasks in a checklist.
It relays on:

Append to checklist

The ShortCut is activated via share sheet for URL or text, if the input is a url it creates a md link for it; if the input is a text it creates a task for each row.


This ShortCut dumps whatever you are sharing to it in your daily note for future triage. It needs the Advanced Obsidian URI plugin.

Dump in Obsidian


I have a complex Shortcut I use daily (well, it goes off on schedule at 5AM).

It goes through my work calendar and creates a Markdown doc for each meeting, complete with title, time, duration, organizer, attendees, and whatever is in the body of the meeting invite.

I’ve updated a bit since this write-up, reformatting the top block of data to YAML so I can use the Dataview plugin.


I have a Shortcut which lets me save articles as Markdown articles similar to the browser extension Markdownload.
At the moment I’m using it with 1Writer because I don’t have access to the Obsidian app yet but I’m sure it would be easily adaptable.
One problem I’m currently having is that I can’t seem to be able to automatically transmit the article.
I have to paste it manually after I created and opened the new note.


This is isn’t really a shortcut per se but I wanted to share a hacky way I have of quickly getting to my daily note from my Lock Screen. I can’t share it because it’s an automation and automations don’t have shareable links.

Here’s what I do:

  1. Set the apps on the Lock Screen to include opening Apple notes
  2. Go to shortcuts and create new automation
  3. Choose when I open an app and select Apple notes
  4. Set the action to either simply open obsidian or to run another shortcut you might be using already. I use a modified version of @ryanjamurphy nldates shortcut that always chooses today without asking me with a menu.
  5. Lock your screen, pull down from top right and hit the Apple notes icon.

I was uploading a lot of CSS files to Obsidian mobile, so I forked @vitcci’s “Save CSS Snippet” shortcut to work on multiple snippet files at once.

For this to work, save the snippets you plan to upload as .txt files in a folder you can access from your iPhone’s Files app. When you run the shortcut, it’ll ask you to select (multiple) files—then it’ll upload each selected file to your vault as filename.css snippets.

Save CSS Snippets


I made this 42 step shortcut to quickly add stuff to my CRM vault. Creates a new note with templated options

A) New Person
B) New Company
C) New Meeting




this script could listen and transfer to plain text and create a todo note with #todo/inbox to your daily notes.

it needs

  1. advanced obsidian uri (plugin)
  2. checklist (plugin) (optional)

I have created a shortcut that automatically populates the YAML and opens a new note.
I’m studying medicine and I often have to register aliases, so I set it to enter aliases. Also, the created note is automatically linked to the daily note of the day it was created. (Custom format: yyyy-MM-dd)
The shortcut below is only available in Japanese, so please refer to variable or the translation if necessary.

(Japanese: YAMLを自動で入力して、新しいノートを開くショートカットを作成しました。


Another handy shortcut!

Append selected text to the Daily Note (requires the Advanced URI plugin):


Created a meta-shortcut that folks might find handy: Shortcuts

The idea is that you can build a dictionary of parameters for Obsidian Advanced URI in a separate Shortcut, and then forward it into this one. Has saved me some time so I figured I’d post it here too :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

This shortcut also handles URL encoding so that you don’t have to do it manually all the time.


I try to use this but I always have bookmark invalid with the shortcut to get css snippet.
The creator works, anyway.