[iOS] Opening PDF in a vault with other apps

Things I have tried

I’ve tried opening a pdf in a panel, and then “open this file in default viewer(share)” from quick command list. However, this creates a copy of a PDF in a third-party app.

What I’m trying to do

In iOS Obsidian app, I am trying to open a PDF in a vault with another PDF annotator app, then annotate it, and then save it so that it is synced.

Existing functionality only create a copy of a PDF in a third-party app, so even if I “save” from within the app, the file in the vault doesn’t change.

My vault is stored in the device (not in iCloud), and at least it should be possible to directly open files in the vault from another app. As I understand, there is an API that provides a file path and prompts users to choose an app to open a file located at that file path.

Plus, this functionality can be useful for Android as well.

Maybe I am missing an existing feature? If so, I’d appreciate if you point it out!

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