iOS and iCloud: Stuck on loading workspace / Unresponsive after start

@samobsid90 since you are able to make obsidian start by forcing icloud to download the files.

Once it starts, run obsidian in restricted mode and let me know if you experience the problem again or not.

Also which plugins are you currently running,

Paste your debug info below, which can be accessed by Command Palette (Ctrl/Cmd-P on Desktop, Swipe down from the top on mobile) enter “Show debug info”, and click “Copy to clipboard”.

Here are my debug infos.
macOS, 14.2.1

	Obsidian version: v1.5.8
	Installer version: v1.4.16
	Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 23.2.0: Wed Nov 15 21:54:10 PST 2023; root:xnu-10002.61.3~2/RELEASE_X86_64 23.2.0
	Login status: not logged in
	Insider build toggle: off
	Live preview: on
	Base theme: dark
	Community theme: none
	Snippets enabled: 0
	Restricted mode: on


iOS, 17.3.1

	Operating system: ios 17.3.1 (Apple iPhone11,6)
	Obsidian version: 1.5.8 (126)
	API version: v1.5.8
	Login status: not logged in
	Live preview: on
	Base theme: dark
	Community theme: none
	Snippets enabled: 0
	Restricted mode: on


it freezes for me.

Were using no plugins?
Are you using iCloud or obsidian sync?

I do not use any plugins beside the core ones. And yes, I am using and iCloud sync.

Lately, I get past the loading screen and it freezes a few seconds after that. Sometimes I manage to bring up a file chooser prompt, sometimes I even manage to open a file, just to have it freeze right after opening. It doesn’t matter which note I am trying to open.

	Operating system: ios 16.7.5 (Apple iPhone10,4)
	Obsidian version: 1.5.8 (126)
	API version: v1.5.8
	Login status: not logged in
	Live preview: on
	Base theme: adapt to system
	Community theme: none
	Snippets enabled: 0
	Restricted mode: on


Only plugin installed is “Map View”

Ok, here’s what I’ve managed to find after some testing…

Restricted on, files not pre downloaded in Files app
The app now gets through the loading screen every time and opens the last open file, however, the Obsidian interface is frozen / non-responsive and the phone gets hot.

Restricted on, files are pre downloaded in Files app
App functions normally.

Restricted off, files not pre downloaded in Files app
Previously with this setup the app would always freeze on the loading screen, but now that I have toggled restricted on/off to test the above, I can’t replicate the app freezing on the loading screen and it now always gets through to the last open file, but the whole interface is frozen / not responsive.

Restricted off, files are pre downloaded in Files app
App functions normally.

Between each setup above, I’m ‘force quitting’ the app and loading from scratch.

This is interesting because you shouldn’t need to pre download the files. When obsidian starts we do check/force the presence of the settings folder.

We’ll investigate this matter more.

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For anybody else in this thread, do samobsid90 instructions here of force downloading the vault before starting obsidian, fix the problem temporarily?

Are you in this thread skipping the Waiting for iClould to syncronize?

Force downloading doesn’t change anything on my side.

Skipping iCloud sync doesn’t help either. The only thing that seems to work is the removal of the mobile workspace config file.

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If you are using obsidian git plugin, put the .git folder outside of obsidian value (maybe to somewhere that not sync by iCloud). To make git still works on mac, you need to create a file in the original place named .git, and its content is simply gitdir: path/to/your/new/git/folder/.git. This works for me. No stuck and delay on my iPhone anymore. (background: my .git folder is kinda large, around 900 mb, and the way that git working makes there are many small files inside of .git folder. Apparently iCloud is not good at syncing such folders)

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I have the same problem. Just like for @DAn7 the only thing that helps is deleting the .workspace-mobile.json file from my Mac. But it only helps for about half a day and then the problem returns. Does anyone know of a more permanent solution, please?

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I am more than willing to help here. If you are willing, I would gladly join the dev team temporarily (I am a software engineer as well) so I can build and debug on my own device. What can I do to sort this out?

Is there an internal chat between devs or any place where I can make a difference?

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I firmly believe I can help you solve this, if you let me.

This is driving me nuts, I am considering getting another phone just to get back my notes on-the-go…


@WhiteNoise any change we can help get more details about this bug?

For the people experiencing this bug, what is the total size in MB and total number of files in all your vaults?

I have a single vault. It’s 10,5 MB on disk, with 2622 items of which 2466 is markdown.

By the way, this bug wasn’t always present. It started occurring around the time I first posted. A quick look at the iOS version history places this around: v1.5.8

Is there a way I can try older versions to confirm this?

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I just read through the App Store reviews to see if being unusable for quick notetaking on iOS bothers anybody except me. It does! Lots of people have left negative reviews due to this bug.

Interestingly, the reviews nearly all have developer responses! It’s encouraging to know that, at least in public, Obsidian is aware of the issue, working on it, and optimistic it’ll be fixed in “the next version” or shortly!

I hope those less informed users will find their way here, to see that in fact the developers have a chip on their shoulder, blame Apple, and don’t feel they should have to find a solution. It’d be a shame if users were holding their breath under the impression that iOS is anything but an unwanted burden to Obsidian.

Thanks for the reply. We will introduce some changes in v1.6 mobile (arriving soon for insiders) and we hope it’ll fix the experience at least for some users.

We are not sure it’ll be a solution for everyone because we have narrowed down some problems with the underling iCloud API.

So when you get 1.6, let us know how it goes.

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1 400 items (962 items is .md files), 1,34 GB on disk.

Deleting .git folder and removing Git plugin I think helped for me too.