Invidious iframe and metadata issues


[x] iOS
[ ] Android

Obsidian Mobile version: 1.4.1 (83)

I was able to embed a video from Invidious into my Obsidian notes on desktop without any issues but when I went to go watch that same video in the iOS app, nothing appeared.

Also when I set custom metadata categories at the beginning of my notes on desktop, they appeared fine in both edit and reading mode but in the iOS app, the CUSTOM tags disappear in reading mode even if they have values that follow such as… Example: Text

Submit one bug report/feature request per thread, please.

Your second issue is a feature request: we do not currently recognize or render arbitrary front matter fields.

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Thank you very much, that explains it.

Arbitrary front matter fields for mobile (iOS) correct? I didn’t mean it to be a feature request, I just assumed it was a universal feature and maybe there was a bug.

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