Thank you so much OP for this post. i don’t know much about html so i didn’t even know all this was possible. Even more is possible, for those who are wondering. You can even embed a live version of the webpage, just like interacting with the page in the web browser. for example, i just embeded the webpage for my todo list app ticktick inside an obsidian page using the code below:
<iframe width= "1000" height= "500" src=""/>
initially it showed me the homepage of the ticktick website. i then navigated to the sign in page, signed in and viola! my todo list was visible inside obsidian, fully interactable, without ever opening a web browser.
i did a quick close and open of the obsidian app, and i found that i was still signed in to ticktick. i wonder how i can delete the login infomation cache from obsidian when i want to. if somebody knows please let me know.
i tried to do the same whole webpage embed for a google sheets page but what i get is a blank iframe box… i persume this is something google has done to prevent iframe embeds. If anyone knows a solution, please let us know here.
embedding a google docs file like the OP did for MS files is actually pretty straightforward (and commonly used, as i now realise). it is explained in this link:,and%20copy%20the%20embed%20code.