Integrate Stardusten's "ob-table-enhancer" in Core

This plugin is FAR and away the best table editing tool for Obsidian I’ve been able to find. It’s at least an order of magnitude better than any of the other tools for tables. It lets you just treat the table like a table, rather than a constantly shifting stack of pipes and dashes. Beautiful. Glorious ease!

This is the level of table editing that should be available out of the box for Obsidian. Can we get this pulled into the Community Plugins list? And then integrate it directly Obsidian?

Stardusten / ob-table-enhancer


We have never incorporated a third-party plugin, we rewrote some.
In this case, we couldn’t even if we wanted to (and we don’t) given that it’s licensed with GPL.

But it’s a good source inspiration of what is possible.

Follow this FR:


I appreciate the clarification. And the link!
