Inline query does not detect values that are links

Given the following inline field

[epic-key:: [[E28416]]]

The following dataview query does not read the key

Table key, summary, status
WHERE epic-key = "E28416" 

It only works if i change the field not to have a link i.e

epic-key:: E28416

Is there a way i can get Dataview query to detect it even when it is a link?

If values in epic-key: field are always links (only links, not a mix of strings and links), then you need to search for a link, not for a string.

  • WHERE epic-key = "E28416" means «where epic-key is equal to the string "E28416" [in your example you don’t have a string, but a link]

  • WHERE epic-key = [[E28416]] means «where epic-key is equal to the link [[E28416]].

So, your query need to be something like:

TABLE key, summary, status
WHERE epic-key = [[E28416]]

To work with both, then you need to clarify some other info (for example: if all link cases are a real files)…

Try WHERE epic-key = [[E28416]]
No quotes.
Oops, already answered. I was stirring hot food!

TABLE key, summary, status
WHERE epic-key = [[E28416]]

I did try this option before and it also does not return any results.

To work with both, then you need to clarify some other info (for example: if all link cases are a real files)…

The actual link itself is a link to another note that might exist but it will not always exist as it might be a new link which i have not created the note for yet.

We can’t guess all possible scenarios:

  • maybe you have more than one epic-key:: in each note (if a list/array of values per file, then you can’t use = (because equal means literally “equal”) - needs to use contains();
  • maybe there’s any syntax issue with the way you input your pair key:: value;

As a generic search for multiple cases, try WHERE contains(epic-key, "E28416") OR contains(epic-key, [[E28416]])

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