On android, whatever text content is in the initial note that’s open when the app is opened, will have its contents randomly replace any text in another note that the cursor is placed in.
I havent yet confirmed if this affects windows.
Steps to reproduce
- On android, open Obsidian with a note already open
- Navigate to another note
- Tap to move the cursor around any text
Expected result
The unmodified text of the note
Actual result
Random text from the previous note replaces text in the new note.
Operating system: android 14 (samsung SM-G998U1)
Obsidian version: 1.8.1 (177)
API version: v1.8.1
Login status: not logged in
Language: en
Live preview: on
Base theme: light
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: on
Additional information
The initial note (Lorem Ipsum)
The second note (The opening text of Dracula)
Second note after just a few taps around, corrupted
Below are the md files in their entirety, just to make sure we’ll be using the same data for troubleshooting
Lorem Ipsum.md (842 Bytes)
Dracula.md (627 Bytes)
I just checked, it doesn’t happen on windows, this seems to be an android only bug!
Can you please post a screen recording of this happening?
Are you sure you do not have any third party plugins enabled?
Is it possible that when you tap and tap on a note you trigger some paste
Yes, all are disabled as shown in the debug log. The following recording is in a brand new vault to be extra safe.
No I don’t believe so, as no indication is shown. Also, it shouldn’t be pasting text I haven’t copied (such as individual and different words from the previous screen)
Yes, here it is. Again it’s in a brand new vault, the only change being made is copying those two markdown files into it.
Right before I posted this I did some additional sanity testing and discovered this seems to only affect certain keyboards. Google’s keyboard doesn’t cause this issue, while the one I use (heliboard) does. I haven’t checked other keyboards yet. I made sure to check with all autocorrect settings turned off as wel.
I still think it’s an obsidian-specific bug as opposed to a heliboard-specific bug because I’ve been using heliboard for years now and I never had this issue until recently updating obsidian. Also, this only happens in obsidian, all other apps don’t have this strange behavior.
If there’s any other testing I can try out let me know!
Edit: I just made sure to update heliboard to the latest version as well, and the behavior still happens. I’ll test other keyboards soon to see if there’s anything they have in common
From the screen recording, it looks like the autocorrect/suggestion feature of your keyboard is interfering.
Here are the keyboards I’ve tested:
Replacement Bug happens
Replacement Bug doesn’t happen
Thank you, cos of this i did some further testing and I discovered what might be the culprit. For some reason it seems that the word being displayed isn’t the actual word. Or rather, from the keyboard’s perspective, it sees the text as the same from the previous note.
I believe this is the case cos with swifkey, once suggestions are turned on, while it doesn’t replace it like the other keyboards, it still clearly suggest words from the other note in contexts where it doesn’t make sense.
Here’s a video. Watch swifkey’s suggestions and how it still pulls from the lorem ipsum note. It doesn’t replace the text, it’s still not correct and shows it’s not a keyboard specific issue.
Here’s a screenshot showing what I mean. The word the cursor was placed in is from, but the suggestion context is clearly diam from the previous note.
I just did another sanity check, and yes all keyboards I tested (including Gboard & Swiftkey) have this suggestion context bug. Whatever implementation heliboard & openboard use for suggestions actively replace the word, which usually isn’t a problem in other apps but as a result it caused me to notice it.
Thank you. There was a change upstream that caused problems with IME users. I wonder if it’s causing this problem too.
Let me know if you still experience this in 1.8.2
huh I wonder if they’re related! And alright, thanks! I’ll make an @ mention to you on here once 1.8.2 releases and I can try it out there
This is now fixed in 1.8.2! Thank you, now I can use obsidian mobile again ^^