Immersive Ribbon Menu (snippet)

ribbon.css (2.2 KB)

I ripped this out of my now-dead theme project which I made it for a little over a year ago (231127). I only just got around to fixing some issues with it today.

This snippet completely hides the ribbon menu when the left sidebar is collapsed, making necessary positional adjustments to have Obsidian be dead center without disabling the ribbon menu outright (observe the middle split below). The icons appear while the sidebar is collapsed when hovered on.

Just keep your ribbon shortcuts minimal. I wanted to make it scrollable after it overflows, but it’d conflict with the toggle button. And, of course, keep the ribbon menu enabled.

Other than that, it only touches what’s necessary, so any visual issues you notice are more than likely not of this snippet. (:

IRM Enabled
IRM Disabled