Images still don't work in notes

Simple use case – I copy an image from an outlook message, and paste it in my note. Often times it will show up properly in the editing window, but when i switch to reader mode it disappears saying “image name” could not be found.

Another use case i have the same behavior – i save an image in my pictures folder on my machine. I then drag the file to my active note. It shows up right then in editing mode, but whenever i swap to reader mode the file is no longer there (same notification that says it could not be found is displayed)

Eventually, it will not show up in both reading and editing mode. I’m not sure when or what causes it to get lost in editing mode, but it’s always just a matter of time

this is driving me nuts. happens even with basically all my plugins disabled

Could you please provide an example of the markdown for one of your broken image links? Something like



![[Pasted image 20250106135421.png]]

  • When you look in your vault with something like File Explorer, can you see the actual file?

Pasted image 20250106135421.png

  • Can you open it in an external image viewer?

  • Is your vault stored on a cloud storage service?

  • Are you using a syncing service?

I don’t see the file, no. It shoudl be in my resources folder, but it’s not located there. do i need to physically save an image, then drag it into my resources folder. THEN link to it?

I’m curious if images are there when you first copy from Outlook, but then they disappear. The format of your image link suggests that the copy from Outlook is try to create a local version.

Could you please try pasting something with an image from Outlook into a note, then open your resources directory in File Explorer and see if the new images are initially created?

Also, is the folder name for your resources directory spelled the same as in you settings

This is pretty puzzling. I can’t replicate the behavior. Currently it is properly creating the file in my attachments (resources) folder.

Let’s pause this for now, if i can’t get it to replicate before tomorrow i’ll close this thread…

the answers to your other questions was:
yes i’m using oBsidian’s syncing service

I personally don’t have experience with the Obsidian syncing service, but I have seen people complain in the past about files going missing. If the issue seems to happen when you open notes on different devices, this might be something else to look at.