Image is not loaded when there are non-english characters in its path

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add image to your vault which has non-english characters in its name, like Český obrázek.png
  2. In any of your note, try to show this image normally, like ![[Český obrázek.png]]
  3. The image cannot be loaded.

Same thing happens when the path itself (not just name of the file) - any parent directory - contains non-english characters.

The image won’t be shown even when you directly open it in Obsidian (it’s not only about note embedding).

Expected result

I expect image will be shown.

Actual result

Image is not shown.


Obsidian version: v1.2.8
Installer version: v1.0.0
Operating system: #20-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu Apr 6 07:48:48 UTC 2023 6.2.0-20-generic
Login status: not logged in
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: on
Legacy editor: off
Base theme: dark
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: on


Additional information

Here are images showing the problem.

Works in local tests on macOS with Obsidian 1.2.8. Perhaps it would be worth updating the installer by doing a clean install (rather than an in-app upgrade)?

@anon63144152 Thanks for the hint.

I completely reinstalled the app and the behavior was the same.
But I am using snap version, so then I tried to download the AppImage version, and I can confirm it works there.

So this issue is present in the snap version of Obsidian.

Btw I am using latest Ubuntu 23.04.

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Wish I could have been of more help but I know nothing about Linux. Sounds as if you have identified a real bug on one platform. Hope the developers can help.