I too would like to edit todos gathered in a roll up table

Hi @mnvwvnm ,
I believe @AlanG implied that his code allowed full TASKs functionality. You thought it was amazing, and so did I. Alas the code did not work.

To answer your question, I am not bothered about ticks.

I would like to edit my ideas in the Table, TASKS or dataview. I was using my Tasks to show quotes and ideas. (relatively “- [Q]”, “- [I]”)

So it would be nice to edit the value of the TASKS, not the status of ticked or not ticked.

It would be easier to edit value in the table and not go back to the original. (Similar to how obsidian updates links). Otherwise, I would have to go back to the original to update typos etc.

@AlanG suggests that his code can create a table, like dataview. But that has TASK functionality.

What is this TASK functionality?

(How can I list tasks from all notes with a certain tag (using the Tasks plugin)? - #6 by mnvwvnm):