I need help with making a schedule with desired features

hi there!
i’m new at obsidian and one of my goals is to organize my life, so i want to make myself a college schedule but i really don’t know how to make the thing i imagine properly
i want to have access to it both laptop and mobile, customize the appearance of windows/content cards, connect it with a plugin that allows to add homework to a subject with a file and i found plugin that can do it but i also want it to automatically being sorted in a list of undone hws based on the deadline days left, and also if it’s possible, i wish it could change the content of my schedule weekly (we have 2 weeks that are switching dach other) or daily if i’ll use mobile (or on all devices if i decide it’s better)

and can i somehow get notifications with start/end time and uncompleted homework?? i heard it can be possible by integrating with some app??

i really need advice on what i could possibly use for it (and any plugins that allow huge customiation for the appearance of files and working space pls)

i made a pic of a thing that’s close to what i have in mind bc i’m unsure my text explanations were fine (not neccesary kamban i just showed on it because its closest look to idea in my head)

bonus: not necessary features that i still want (if they are possible to make)

  1. custom text auto notifications for my own conditions
  2. IDK IF ITS REALLY POSSIBLE but we have a excel table with accurate classrooms numbers for today in a google drive folder, maybe possibility to sync with it and add this number to a class’ card in a table…??


What have you searched and/or tried so far? It would be a waste of time for folks to suggest things you’ve already tried.

i have these installed that could do something but idk how to do that thing i explained

Heatmap Calendar - Richard Slettevoll

Task Board - Atmanand Gauns

Tasks - Clare Macrae and Ilyas Landi

CardBoard - roovo

Kanban - mgmeyers

Task Board - Atmanand Gauns

Advanced Tables - Tony Grosinger

Homework Manager - Kadison McLellan

i use obsidian for like couple of days so i don’t know much abt how it works- but i watched some yt tutorials before and after i started and read plugins documentation when i think i need it

A few things…

Mobile Notifs: Impossible within Obsidian. Workaround: Link your notes within Obsidian to whatever task app you choose to get reminders/notifications. Doesn’t do “unfinished” though. No app will do that cause how would it know?

Kanban: Kanban plugin with the weeks on there. You can change the CSS based on the tag. I recommend joining the discord server and asking in the appearance channel. People there are much more responsive (due to discord’s nature) and super helpful. They can guide you through how to add the snippet.
The red dot is not possible though. I recommend using tags instead of red dots. Could do #lectureName #status tags and then you can search the board for the #status tag to see everything with that status If that isn’t the status then I am not sure what that red dot is.

Auto-Change every week is impossible. No app knows that entirely. You have to make this from scratch. Maybe have 2 Kanban boards that correspond to your different weeks.

Kanban cannot change what is higher on the list or not. Maybe dataview or another plugin can do this but I am unsure. I just know that kanban cannot do this. I haven’t tried to get something like this to work.

Honestly, seems like it could be useful but remember: Don’t spend more time fiddling to get something to work versus actually doing the work. Don’t get pulled into the time suck that can be customizing trying to fight something to get it to work only to find out it doesn’t work for you.

ty, i’ll try it soon and reply with what i did!!
that red dot was generalized mark of how a subject that has uncompleted homework could look like, and it’s again one of those unnecessary things, i thought abt it as it adds automatically after adding a homework (if i won’t suddenly get an idea or a reply of how to do it i won’t think abt it too much lol)
using exactly kambans also is not really important for me, it just was easier for me to show on them (and they also look close to the image in my head)

i did it/got ideas how to lol
so i did all the contents as a plain text and learned how obsidian works in my free time, and that’s what i did:

  • weeks auto change - python script + windows task scheduler (easy + i use my laptop way loo much)
  • visuals - regular notes with my own custom css snippets + canvas (as a homepage with a homepage plugin)
  • hw functionality - ticktick (tickticksync for homeworks, not synced tasks for notifications abt next day’s classes)

and abt that table in a not neccesary functions list - maybe i’ll just learn how to parse when i’ll want to and add it somehow, not like it’s something important but would be nice to have most things in one place, surfing plugin is fine for just having it inside obsidian like everything else for quicker access

and 100% going to set up a telegram inbox/sync plugin (installed but still didn’t do anything with it)

maybe i’ll make a post in “share and showcase” with my setup and add a link in this topic’s replies a bit later (couple of days)