hello every time generate a new files, obsidian delete imediatly this one and i don’t know why.
thank you
hello every time generate a new files, obsidian delete imediatly this one and i don’t know why.
thank you
First likely thing: Are you storing your vault on a cloud tool?
Second, do you have full write permission to that folder? Does Obsidian? What OS are you using?
Can you run the command “Show Debug Info” and paste here?
I store the files on my computer in documents in parallel to that I use remotly save for synchronization but I do not use it at the moment I think this is the reason of the problem. I use windows 11 it me meble that obsidian has all the rights regarding writing. i don’t now how to execute the command «Display debug information»
In Obsidian, Ctrl-P to bring up the command palette. Then start typing “Show debug info”.
In Windows, it’s possible the Documents folder is stored in OneDrive. And that could be the problem. Either you need to find the setting where OneDrive will keep the files downloaded, and not offload your files into the cloud. OR, you could consider storing your vault in a different folder.
If your Documents folder isn’t in OneDrive, then it might be a different problem.